5V V23806-S84-Z5 V23806-S84-Z6 3.3 V Test Board for ATM, ESCON, Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ethernet 1x9 and 2x9 Transceivers Preliminary FEATURES * Allows separate powering of receiver and transmitter sections * Power supply is filtered separately for RX and TX side * Possible online monitoring of TX and RX current * TX can be disabled by using an assembled switch * All inputs and outputs are AC coupled for easy connection to 50 Ohm environment * All high speed inputs are built with high performance SMA connectors * Can be used for either 1x9 or 2x9 pin modules OVERVIEW This test board is designed to evaluate optical transceivers for data rates from 100 MBd to up to 1.25 GBd. The test board can be used to characterize the performance of these transceivers. All AC parameters (eye pattern, rise and fall times, jitter etc.) can be measured with this test board. This user guide shows you the structure of the test board and how to use it. STRUCTURE The test board is built as a 4-layer PCB (printed circuit board) with internal VCC and VEE planes which build a high performance capacitor for filtering the incoming VCC. The additional filter on top of the PCB will simulate a filter that might be used by the end user of the transceiver. All high speed inputs and outputs are created as 50 Ohm traces on the top of the PCB. This test board is available for a positive power supply (VCC) in the range of 4.7 V to 5.4 V (V23806-S84-Z5) or for the range of 3.1 V to 3.6 V (V23806-S84-Z6). Fiber Optics DECEMBER 2000 DESCRIPTION TX-D SMA Transmit- PECL inter data put input TX-DN SMA Transmit- PECL inter data put not input BP1 - BP4 Pin socket Module cover pins All inputs and outputs are labeled on the board. To use the test board for a 1x9 module, the module should be placed in the pin row X2, see Figure 3. The following tables define the labels and describe each function in more detail. Table 1. Connectors Label Connec- Name tor type Provided Description Level VCC SMA Positive power supply 3.1 V to 3.6 V or 4.7 V to 5.4 V SMA or Banana plug Negative power supply 0V SD SMA Signal detect output PECL RXPMON SMA Receiver input power monitor Analog output signal TXPMON SMA Positive Analog Transmit- output ter outsignal put power monitor VEE RX-DN SMA Receiver data not output RX-D SMA Receiver data output RX-CLKN SMA Negative Clock output PECL output RXCLK SMA Positive Clock output PECL output TTL input SMA Transmitter disable input LASER- BIAS+ Banana plug Positive Analog laser bias output output signal monitor LASER- BIAS- Banana plug Negative Analog laser bias output output signal monitor These pins are connected to VEE. Table 2. Jumpers push button Label Type DC coupled outputs. To measure, use equipment with input impedance >1 Mohm Short Receiver part of the module is on. By connecting an ampere meter between those pins, the RX current can be monitored. J1 Open Receiver part of the module is off. J2 Short Transmitter part of the module is on. By connecting an ampere meter between those pins, the TX current can be monitored. J2 Open Transmitter part of the module is off. J3 Short The TXDIS circuit is on. By pushing the push button the optical output of the laser will switch, either on or off. When using this option there should be no external source connected on TXDIS or short on J4. Otherwise the on-board circuit could get damaged. J3 Open The TXDIS circuit on the test board is off. Therefore the push button is not working. J4 Short A 50 Ohm resistor close to the TXDIS input at the module will be connected to VEE. This resistor terminates an external device which can be connected to the TXDIS input. It is not recommended to use this option if J3 is shorted. That could damage the on board TXDIS circuit. J4 Open This option should be used if the on-board TXDIS function is used (J3 short). It is not recommended to leave J4 open if an external generator is used. That will result in reflections and can cause malfunctions. Push button DC coupled input to disable the transmitter. To use this input correctly see also description for J3 and J4 in Table 2. Description J1 PECL out- Load should be put 50 OHM to VEE, because of AC coupling PECL output TXDIS AC coupled input with a 50 Ohm load to VEE at the module If J3 is shorted and J4 is left open, the transmitter can be switched off or on depending on the status of the output signal of the TX. Pushing the button once changes the status of the TX output signal. Pushing it twice = same TX output status as before. DC coupled outputs. To measure, use equipment with input impedance >1 Mohm Differential output voltage is proportional to the laser bias current. Fiber Optics V23806-S84-Z5/Z6, Test Board for 1x9 and 2x9 Trx 2 The schematic of the test board (Figure 1 and Figure 2) gives a better understanding of the function of the test board. The test board can be used for other applications also. That is why not all parts are assembled. Figure 1. 3.3 V version TXMON RXPMON or TXALARM R125 TX-D R82 R125 TX-DN X2 X1 R82 TXDIS L1 1uH L2 1uH VCC + Open LASER-BIAS Open R0 SD - Open Open Open R150 RX-DN R150 R150 RX-CLK R150 RX-CLKN RX-D R150 BANANA-SOCKET Figure 2. 5 V version TXMON RXPMON or TXALARM R187 TX-D R68 R187 TX-DN X2 X1 R68 TXDIS L1 1uH L2 1uH VCC + Open LASER-BIAS Open SD R0 - Open Open Open R300 RX-DN R300 R300 RX-CLK R300 RX-CLKN RX-D R300 BANANA-SOCKET Fiber Optics V23806-S84-Z5/Z6, Test Board for 1x9 and 2x9 Trx 3 The assembly drawings (Figure 3 and Figure 4) show the top and the bottom of the test board to locate the position of the components. Figure 3. Top layer Figure 4. Bottom layer Fiber Optics V23806-S84-Z5/Z6, Test Board for 1x9 and 2x9 Trx 4 Published by Infineon Technologies AG Warnings (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2000 All Rights Reserved Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your Infineon Technologies offices. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact the Infineon Technologies offices or our Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide - see our webpage at www.infineon.com/fiberoptics Infineon Technologies AG * Fiber Optics * Wernerwerkdamm 16 * Berlin D-13623, Germany Infineon Technologies, Inc. * Fiber Optics * 1730 North First Street * San Jose, CA 95112, USA Infineon Technologies K.K. * Fiber Optics * Takanawa Park Tower * 20-14, Higashi-Gotanda, 3-chome, Shinagawa-ku * Tokyo 141, Japan